Management Commands


Collects the static files from all installed apps and copies them to the STATICFILES_STORAGE.

Duplicate file names are resolved in a similar way to how template resolution works. Files are initially searched for in STATICFILES_DIRS locations, followed by apps in the order specified by the INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Some commonly used options are:

Do NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.
-i PATTERN or --ignore=PATTERN
Ignore files or directories matching this glob-style pattern. Use multiple times to ignore more.
-n or --dry-run
Do everything except modify the filesystem.
-l or --link
Create a symbolic link to each file instead of copying.
Don’t ignore the common private glob-style patterns 'CVS', '.*' and '*~'.

-c or --clear

New in version 1.1.

Clear the existing files before trying to copy or link the original file.


New in version 1.1.

Don’t call the post_process() method of the configured STATICFILES_STORAGE storage backend.

For a full list of options, refer to the collectstatic management command help by running:

$ python collectstatic --help


Searches for one or more relative paths with the enabled finders:

$ python findstatic css/base.css admin/js/core.css

By default, all matching locations are found. To only return the first match for each relative path, use the --first option:

$ python findstatic css/base.css --first

This is a debugging aid; it’ll show you exactly which static file will be collected for a given path.


Overrides the core runserver command if the staticfiles app is installed (in INSTALLED_APPS) and adds automatic serving of static files and the following new options.


Use the --nostatic option to disable serving of static files with the staticfiles app entirely. This option is only available if the staticfiles app is in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Example usage: runserver --nostatic


Use the --insecure option to force serving of static files with the staticfiles app even if the DEBUG setting is False.


By using this you acknowledge the fact that it’s grossly inefficient and probably insecure.

This is only intended for local development, should never be used in production and is only available if the staticfiles app is in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Example usage: runserver --insecure