Helpers ======= The ``static`` context processor -------------------------------- .. function:: staticfiles.context_processors.static This context processor adds the ``STATIC_URL`` into each template context as the variable ``{{ STATIC_URL }}``. To use it, make sure that ``'staticfiles.context_processors.static'`` appears somewhere in your ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` setting. Remember, only templates rendered with a ``RequestContext`` will have acces to the data provided by this (and any) context processor. The ``get_static_prefix`` templatetag ------------------------------------- .. highlight:: html+django If you're not using ``RequestContext``, or if you need more control over exactly where and how ``STATIC_URL`` is injected into the template, you can use the ``get_static_prefix`` template tag instead:: {% load static %} There's also a second form you can use to avoid extra processing if you need the value multiple times:: {% load static %} {% get_static_prefix as STATIC_PREFIX %} .. _staticfiles-development-view: Static file development view ---------------------------- .. highlight:: python .. function:: staticfiles.views.serve(request, path) This view function serves static files in development. .. warning:: This view will only work if ``DEBUG`` is ``True``. That's because this view is **grossly inefficient** and probably **insecure**. This is only intended for local development, and should **never be used in production**. This view is automatically enabled by ``runserver`` (with a ``DEBUG`` setting set to ``True``). To use the view with a different local development server, add the following snippet to the end of your primary URL configuration:: from django.conf import settings if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += patterns('staticfiles.views', url(r'^static/(?P.*)$', 'serve'), ) Note, the begin of the pattern (``r'^static/'``) should be your ``STATIC_URL`` setting. URL patterns helper ------------------- .. function:: staticfiles.urls.staticfiles_urlpatterns() .. warning:: This helper function will only work if ``DEBUG`` is ``True`` and your ``STATIC_URL`` setting is neither empty nor a full URL such as ````. Since configuring the URL patterns is a bit finicky, there's also a helper function that'll do this for you. This will return the proper URL pattern for serving static files to your already defined pattern list. Use it like this:: from staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns # ... the rest of your URLconf here ... urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()