Settings ======== .. _STATIC_ROOT: ``STATIC_ROOT`` --------------- :Default: ``''`` (Empty string) The absolute path to the directory that contains static content after using :ref:`collectstatic`. Example: ``"/home/"`` When using the :ref:`collectstatic` management command this will be used to collect static files into, to be served under the URL specified as STATIC_URL_. This is a **required setting** to use :ref:`collectstatic` -- unless you've overridden STATICFILES_STORAGE_ and are using a custom storage backend. .. warning:: This is not a place to store your static files permanently under version control; you should do that in directories that will be found by your STATICFILES_FINDERS_ (by default, per-app ``'static'`` subdirectories, and any directories you include in STATICFILES_DIRS_ setting). Files from those locations will be collected into STATIC_ROOT_. See also STATIC_URL_. .. _STATIC_URL: ``STATIC_URL`` -------------- :Default: ``None`` URL that handles the files served from ``STATIC_ROOT`` and used by ``runserver`` in development mode (when ``DEBUG = True``). Example: ``"/site_media/static/"`` or ``""`` It must end in a slash if set to a non-empty value. See also STATIC_ROOT_. .. _STATICFILES_DIRS: ``STATICFILES_DIRS`` -------------------- :Default: ``[]`` This setting defines the additional locations the staticfiles app will traverse if the :class:`FileSystemFinder` finder is enabled, e.g. if you use the :ref:`collectstatic` or :ref:`findstatic` management command or use the static file serving view. This should be set to a list or tuple of strings that contain full paths to your additional files directory(ies) e.g.:: STATICFILES_DIRS = ( "/home/", "/home/", "/opt/webfiles/common", ) Prefixes (optional) """"""""""""""""""" In case you want to refer to files in one of the locations with an additional namespace, you can **OPTIONALLY** provide a prefix as ``(prefix, path)`` tuples, e.g.:: STATICFILES_DIRS = ( # ... ("downloads", "/opt/webfiles/stats"), ) Example: Assuming you have STATIC_URL_ set ``'/static/'``, the :ref:`collectstatic` management command would collect the stats files in a ``'downloads'`` subdirectory of STATIC_ROOT_. This would allow you to refer to the local file ``'/opt/webfiles/stats/polls_20101022.tar.gz'`` with ``'/static/downloads/polls_20101022.tar.gz'`` in your templates, e.g.:: ``STATICFILES_EXCLUDED_APPS`` ----------------------------- :Default: ``[]`` A sequence of app paths that should be ignored when searching for static files:: STATICFILES_EXCLUDED_APPS = ( '', '', ) .. _STATICFILES_STORAGE: ``STATICFILES_STORAGE`` ----------------------- :Default: ``''`` The file storage engine to use when collecting static files with the :ref:`collectstatic` management command. ``STATICFILES_FINDERS`` ----------------------- :Default: ``('staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder')`` The list of finder backends that know how to find static files in various locations. The default will find files stored in the STATICFILES_DIRS_ setting (using :class:`staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder`) and in a ``static`` subdirectory of each app (using :class:`staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder`) One finder is disabled by default: :class:`staticfiles.finders.DefaultStorageFinder`. If added to your STATICFILES_FINDERS_ setting, it will look for static files in the default file storage as defined by the ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` setting. .. note:: When using the ``AppDirectoriesFinder`` finder, make sure your apps can be found by staticfiles. Simply add the app to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting of your site. Static file finders are currently considered a private interface, and this interface is thus undocumented. Legacy 'media' dir finder (optional) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" To ease the burden of upgrading a Django project from a non-``staticfiles`` setup, the optional finder backend :class:`staticfiles.finders.LegacyAppDirectoriesFinder` is shipped as part of ``django-staticfiles``. When added to the STATICFILES_FINDERS_ setting, it'll enable ``staticfiles`` to use the ``media`` directory of the apps in ``INSTALLED_APPS``, similarly :class:`staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder`. This is especially useful for 3rd party apps that haven't been switched over to the ``static`` directory instead. If you want to use both ``static`` **and** ``media``, don't forget to have :class:`staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder` in the STATICFILES_FINDERS_, too.